Public Policy
and Perception

Topic Highlights

We engage on issues that affect our operations and communities so that we and others in the industry may fairly and safely produce natural gas. We aim to operate as a thought leader that elected officials seek out for consultation on questions related to our industry.

In 2023, we:

  • Continued to engage with members of U.S. Congress and federal agencies and serve as an informed resource to policymakers on issues that directly affect us and the natural gas industry.
  • Participated in CERAWeek and in the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai.
  • Became the first independent, domestic operator to sign the Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter announced at COP28.
  • Continued our partnership in industry organizations to discuss local, state, and federal issues pertinent to natural gas.

What We are Doing

Management of material topic

Current debate within public, regulatory, and investor groups related to the transition to a lower-carbon economy has contributed to an enhanced focus on fossil fuels, including natural gas. We believe it is our duty to serve as an informed resource to policymakers on issues that directly affect us and the natural gas industry. Pursuing thought leadership opportunities and advocating for responsibly developed natural gas may lead to improvements to, and better perceptions of, the industry while simultaneously supporting our goal to be the natural gas operator of choice and helping to reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by replacing coal with natural gas. 

In coordination with policymakers, we aim to explain how natural gas can be used, not just as a resource to meet growing energy demands domestically and globally, but also as a tool to enhance the quality of life in many disadvantaged communities. Nearly 3 billion people globally live in energy poverty, and we believe natural gas is the right tool to help address this. Natural gas is a low-cost, reliable, and clean source of energy — and the benefits do not end there. Learn more about the benefits we provide to local communities in Economic and Societal Impact.

We engage on issues that affect our operations and communities so that we and others in the industry may fairly and safely produce natural gas. We aim to operate as a thought leader that elected officials seek out for consultation on questions related to our industry. We engage with regulators, legislators, and other industry participants to proactively shape policies in the best interest of all stakeholders. Our goal is to build trust among stakeholders and officials through transparency and honesty.

In 2023, we continued to engage with members of the U.S. Congress and federal agencies. Our President and Chief Executive Officer, Toby Rice, participated in dozens of meetings and events with policymakers and key stakeholders, both in the United States and abroad, including testifying before the the House Energy, Climate and Grid Security Subcommittee in February 2024 on the positive impacts of U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. Mr. Rice and other senior leaders at EQT have worked with policymakers and stakeholders to discuss the impacts natural gas can have in the reduction of global emissions, highlighting the role natural gas and U.S. LNG can have in both energy security and national security. Additionally, in January 2024 we sent a second letter to the U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, in opposition to the U.S. administrations’ moratorium on LNG exports to non-free trade agreement countries. For more information, see our Letter to Secretary Granholm.

Public Policy Issues and Engagement

SASB EM-EP-530a.1
Discussion of corporate positions related to government regulations or policy proposals that address environmental and social factors affecting the industry
Describe the organization’s approach to public policy development and lobbying on climate change
SASB EM-EP-530a.1

We aim to see the larger impact on communities, operators, the environment, and the economy when we consider and engage with policy issues in our industry. We collaborate with government agencies such as the National Safety Council and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to improve safety regulations related to the industry. We also work to support federal, state, and local policies that promote stable investment climates for natural gas exploration, production, storage, and transportation. These may include policies governing environmental protection, taxes, permitting reform, natural gas production, transportation, and expanding the use of natural gas in sectors such as transportation, manufacturing, and electricity generation. The impact of our operations and use of natural gas by our stakeholders remains a key driver for our influence and engagement.

We shape policies that affect our company and our industry at the local, state, and federal levels directly, in addition to engaging on federal policies through our membership in trade associations. In 2023, we participated in CERA week and in COP28 in Dubai. For more information related to COP28, see Climate Change Strategy.

We also continued our leadership role in the Partnership to Address Global Emissions (PAGE), adding two new members in 2023. PAGE promotes policies to replace coal consumption and strives to solve complex global energy and climate problems. Within PAGE, we push for the enactment of policies that will help create the infrastructure needed to increase the production and export of U.S. LNG.

Governance and Policies

We comply with applicable local, county, state, and federal laws when we conduct public policy activities. Our Public Relations and Government Affairs teams, collectively referred to as “Stakeholder Affairs,” guide and oversee our public policy activities. Additionally, the Public Policy and Corporate Responsibility (PPCR) Committee of our Board of Directors receives regular reports about these activities at each regular PPCR Committee meeting. The PPCR Committee reviews and receives reports about our approach to public policy matters, including corporate political spending; diversity; environmental, health, and safety (EHS); and energy.

Our Political Contributions and Political Activity Policy and Lobbying Disclosure and Compliance Policy help manage our interactions with regulatory agencies and elected officials. We require, among other things, that employees not engage in lobbying activities on our behalf and that corporate treasury dollars not be used for political purposes, in each case without prior approval from our General Counsel. The PPCR Committee annually reviews our contributions made to political candidates and discusses public policy issues that affect us to help ensure compliance with our policies and applicable law.

Political Spending

Our political spending is limited to the United States, and we comply with the laws and regulations in each jurisdiction where we are politically active. We also adhere to federal and state campaign finance laws on political spending in support of political parties, politicians, and related institutions. We fund our political spending through three sources:

  • The non-partisan EQT Corporation Federal Political Action Committee (PAC), sourced solely from voluntary employee contributions;
  • The non-partisan EQT Corporation State PAC, sourced from voluntary employee contributions and transfers from the EQT Federal PAC; and
  • EQT corporate treasury dollars.

Members from our senior management comprise the Board of Directors of our PACs and our General Counsel serves as Chair of both PAC Boards. Our PAC Boards meet as necessary to approve political contributions and to take other actions. At each meeting, representatives from our Stakeholder Affairs team present to the PAC Boards on relevant political issues and key political races. At each meeting, the PAC Boards also discuss fundraising efforts and solicitation and contribution strategies for the PACs.

Corporate Memberships

Membership associations

We actively participate in member and trade organizations to improve our industry. In 2023, we continued our founding-member-level engagement in three key organizations — the PAGE Coalition, the Appalachian Methane Initiative, and the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2). For more information on our activities in these organizations, see Climate Change Strategy.

In 2023, we continued our participation in industry associations — such as the Marcellus Shale Coalition, the Gas & Oil Association of West Virginia, and the American Exploration and Production Council — to discuss local, state, and federal issues pertinent to natural gas, and the ISNetworld® Appalachian Working Group to share safety-related best practices. We continued to participate in Our Nation's Energy Future Coalition and The Environmental Partnership, where we work with like-minded companies to improve environmental performance and to lower emissions. Our membership with Natural Allies for a Clean Energy Future is focused on building a better understanding of how natural gas can play a vital role in the lower-carbon economy. We also joined the National Association of Manufacturers, which works to highlight how natural gas provides reliable and affordable energy to our nation’s manufacturers.

We assign one employee as the relationship manager for each of our membership organizations. Many of our employees also sit on the boards of local chambers of commerce and industry associations of which we are members. We provide a list of our corporate memberships, disclosing 2023 dues paid and the portion allocated to lobbying under How We Are Doing.

In 2023, we continued to use our associations dashboard in our digital work environment to track our corporate memberships. The dashboard tracks our membership status, renewal date, membership dues, the organization type, and the geographic focus of each organization in which we are a member or have considered joining. This data can be accessed by all our employees to help ensure both accuracy and full transparency of our membership data. Additionally, every proposed corporate membership is submitted for approval to our ESG Committee and the ESG Committee also reviews all our active corporate memberships on an annual basis. The ESG Committee uses a pre-defined scoring rubric to assign a membership score to each proposed organization based on the organization’s influence, historical success in achieving its stated goals, and whether the organization’s mission is aligned with our corporate mission and strategy.

Thought Leadership

Thought leadership is a critical component to achieving our mission. We believe that natural gas is an essential energy form in the United States with strong potential to satisfy the growing energy demand globally. We also recognize the importance of GHG emission reductions from our operations. That is why, in 2022, we eliminated substantially all the natural gas-powered pneumatic devices used in our production operations. Natural gas pneumatic devices have historically been a significant source of methane and GHG emissions within the oil and natural gas production industry and, therefore, the replacement of these pieces of equipment provides the industry with significant opportunities to reduce emissions with limited capital outlay. We also published a whitepaper that highlights our research and findings on the development and implementation of a pneumatic device replacement program so that other operators can leverage our experience and implement this process in their own operations. Read more about how we reduce our GHG emissions in Operational GHG Emissions.

Additionally, in 2023, our Chief Executive Officer, Toby Rice, continued his participation in an LNG Task Force in Pennsylvania to further explore opportunities to export U.S. LNG. We believe natural gas is critical to accelerate a sustainable pathway to a lower-carbon future and achieve global climate goals. We believe the United States is well positioned to lead this transition with plentiful access to natural gas resources and we remain committed to using our voice to educate policymakers about the environmental, social, and economic benefits of natural gas production and consumption. For more information, please see Climate Change Strategy and Unleashing U.S. LNG.

How We are Doing 

Management of material topic
Political Contributions

Public Policy Issues

We continued to work with legislators and regulators in 2023 to help develop policies and regulations to advance safe and efficient natural gas development. In 2023, we provided guidance to legislators, administration officials, and regulators on the following issues:




West Virginia


Grid Reliability

Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage

Tax Issues

Permitting Reform

Blue Hydrogen

Methane Mitigation

LNG Exports



Well Plugging


Energy Infrastructure

Political Contributions

Through our Federal and State PACs along with our corporate treasury dollars, we contributed over $408,000 to political candidates and organizations in 2023 as shown below.

2023 Political Contributions

Funding Source

Beneficiary of Contribution

Amount ($)

EQT Corporation PACs

Candidates for, and members of, U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate



Candidates for, and members of, Pennsylvania state elected office



Candidates for, and members of, West Virginia state elected office



Candidates for, and members of, county and municipal elected office


Total PAC Political Contributions


EQT Corporation

Corporate treasury contributions to political candidates and other political organizations


Total 2023 Political Contributions


We also paid over $2.6 million in corporate membership dues in 2023, allocating approximately $254,000 of that total to lobbying. The table below details our corporate-level participation in membership organizations during 2023.

2023 Membership Associations

Association Name

2023 Membership Dues[1]

2023 Dues Allocated to Lobbying

Allegheny Conference on Community Development



American Exploration and Production Council (AXPC)



American Gas Association



Appalachia Safety Association



Appalachian Energy Future



Appalachian Methane Initiative (AMI)[2]



Atlantic Council of the United States



Blockchain for Energy



Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship



Doddridge County Chamber of Commerce (WV)



Fayette County Chamber of Commerce (PA)



Gas and Oil Association of West Virginia



Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute



Greene County Chamber of Commerce (PA)



Harrison County Chamber of Commerce (WV)



Independent Producers EHS Forum



Institute of Gas Technology (GTI)



Marcellus Shale Coalition



Marion County Chamber of Commerce (WV)



Marshall County Chamber of Commerce (WV)



Mon Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce (PA)



Monongahela Area Chamber of Commerce (PA)



National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)



Natural Allies for a Clean Energy Future



Ohio Chamber of Commerce



Ohio Oil and Gas Association



Oil and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP)



Our Nation's Energy Future Coalition (ONE Future)



Partnership to Address Global Emissions (PAGE Coalition)



Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry



Pledge 1%



Propane Gas Association of New England



Public Affairs Council



St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce (WV)



Stanford Natural Gas Initiative



The Environmental Partnership



The Permitting Institute



The Progressive Policy Institute[3]



U.S. LNG Association (LNG Allies)



Utilities, Telecommunications & Energy Coalition of West Virginia



Virginia Propane Gas Association



Washington County Chamber of Commerce (PA)



West Virginia Chamber of Commerce



West Virginia Manufacturers Association



Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce (PA)



Wetzel-Tyler Chamber of Commerce (WV)



Williamsport-Lycoming Chamber of Commerce (PA)






[1] Membership fee only. Excludes other fees which may have been paid to the organization, such as sponsorships or education fees.

[2] There are no formal membership dues associated with membership in this organization. All members are asked to contribute to the costs of AMI's annual monitoring plan, which are used to pay consultants, conduct surveys and process data, among other items.

[3] We paid a membership fee of $250,000 in 2022 covering our 2022 and 2023 membership in this organization. No fee was paid to this organization during 2023.

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