GHG Emissions

Topic Highlights

If we want to influence the transition to a lower-carbon future, we must start by addressing our own operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

In 2023, we:

  • Reduced our in-scope net zero target emissions to 280,824 metric tons (MT) carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) — a 35% reduction compared to 2022 levels, and a 67% reduction since our current management team joined EQT in mid-2019.
  • Reduced our EQT Production segment Scope 1 GHG emissions intensity to 152 MT CO2e/billion cubic feet of natural gas equivalent (Bcfe) — an approximately 35% reduction compared to 2022 — beating our 2025 GHG emissions intensity target a full year ahead of our goal.
  • Achieved a company-wide Production segment Scope 1 methane emissions intensity of 0.0074%, significantly surpassing our 2025 target of 0.02% a year ahead of schedule.
  • Actively participated in Our Nation’s Energy (ONE) Future’s efforts to improve the industry’s environmental performance.
  • Launched a partnership with the State of West Virginia to implement forest management projects that span more than 1,000 acres.
  • Helped establish the Appalachian Methane Initiative, a world-class sector and technology-agnostic methane monitoring network designed to assess and further mitigate methane emissions across the entire Appalachian Basin.

What We Are Doing

Management of material topic
TCFD: Metrics and Targets – a, c
Disclose the metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities.
SASB EM-EP-110a.3
Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets
TCFD: Metrics and Targets – a, c
SASB EM-EP-110a.3

We recognize both the responsibility and the opportunity available to us to lead the way our industry tracks, manages, and discloses GHG emissions. We have implemented numerous management systems to effectively drive down our GHG emissions. These systems help us to maintain and monitor best management practices to minimize emissions while we make improvements to reduce our climate impact.

In June 2021, we publicly announced emissions reduction targets[1] geared toward aggressively driving down the emissions associated with our Production segment operations, as follows:

Our Emissions Targets
Reduce our Scope 1 GHG emissions intensity to below 160 MT CO2e per Bcfe by 2025

Reduce our Scope 1 methane emissions intensity to below 0.02% by 2025

Achieve net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 2025

On Track

Our emissions vary based on the type and amount of field activity conducted at any given time and, therefore, also vary annually. Our Scope 1 emissions primarily originate from our operations and fleet transportation. Fuel combustion is one of the largest contributors to our Scope 1 emissions. We have therefore dedicated significant resources to improve our processes and equipment. We also review our Scope 1 emissions inventory on a source-by-source basis to identify areas of opportunity and to monitor our overall impact. Our primary emissions reduction activities include the following:

  • Natural gas-powered pneumatic device replacement program
  • Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) program
  • Mitigation of venting and flaring
  • Prevention of releases during well unloading
  • Use of glycol pumps on dehydration units
  • Electrification of our hydraulic fracturing fleets
  • Monitoring for opportunities to make our transportation fleets more efficient

Through the successful implementation of these and other initiatives and activities, we have made noteworthy progress toward our emissions reduction goals. In 2023, we reduced our EQT Production segment Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions to 280,824 MT CO2e (a 35% reduction compared to 2022 levels, and an over 67% reduction since our current management team joined EQT in mid-2019). Further, we reduced our EQT Production segment Scope 1 GHG emissions intensity to 152 MT CO2e/Bcfe (an approximately 35% reduction compared to 2022), which beats our 2025 GHG emissions intensity target a full year ahead of our goal. The emissions reduction for our EQT production assets was propelled by our elimination of natural gas-powered pneumatic devices from our production operations, which we completed in December 2022. The completion of this initiative alone is projected to reduce our annual carbon footprint by over 300,000 MT CO2e.[2]

Although not included in our net-zero or GHG emissions intensity targets, we also significantly reduced the Production segment Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions from the Alta Assets by approximately 65%, and we reduced the Scope 1 GHG emissions intensity of the Alta Assets by 59%, in each case as compared to 2021. Notably, we were able to achieve these significant emissions reductions in less than 3 years since we acquired and began to operate the Alta Assets in July 2021. This is concrete evidence of the Growth pillar of our Corporate Climate Strategy, and our ability to scale our emissions reduction initiatives to successfully apply them to assets we acquire. Furthermore, while we have only operated the Tug-XcL Assets for less than a year, we have already instituted changes in equipment and operations which we anticipate will further drive down the emissions associated with these newly acquired assets.

EQT Production Segment Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG Emissions (MT CO2e)[3]
1.25 Million
1 Million






















201820192020202120222023EQT 2025 Net Zero Target
Scope 1
Scope 2
Production Segment Scope 1 GHG Emissions Intensity (MT CO2e emitted/gross annual production [Bcfe])[4]
2021 Appalachian Basin Intensity (~534)2021 Permian Basin Intensity (~1,368)
2018 U.S. O&G Onshore Segment Intensity (~2,250)



























EQT 2025 Target

 We actively participate in ONE Future, which seeks to improve the industry’s environmental performance. With a science-based approach, ONE Future has set a 2025 target for methane emissions intensity for the industry at or below 1%, a target of 0.28% for the Production segment, and a target of 0.08% for the Gathering and Boosting segment. We significantly outperform the ONE Future methane intensity target for our industry and the Production and Gathering and Boosting segments, as shown below. Our company-wide Production segment and Gathering and Boosting segment methane emissions intensity values decreased in 2023 compared to 2022. This decrease is predominately attributable to the successful completion of our pneumatic device replacement program at the end of 2022, as well as other equipment improvements we made on the Alta Assets, such as installation of emissions controls on dehydrators.

Methane Emissions Intensity[5]


Company-Wide Scope 1 Methane Emissions Intensity — Production Segment Emissions

ONE Future Production Segment Methane Intensity Target

Company-Wide Scope 1 Methane Emissions Intensity — Gathering and Boosting Segment Emissions

ONE Future Gathering and Boosting Segment Intensity Target





















Our company-wide 2023 Scope 1 Production segment methane intensity is 0.0074%, which beats our 2025 methane intensity target a full year earlier than planned.

Company-Wide Methane Emissions Intensity (Production segment Scope 1 methane emissions [MT CH4] / (gross annual production of hydrocarbons + methane content [MT CH4])
ONE Future 2025 Target














201820192020202120222023EQT 2025 Target
EQT 2025 Target

For more information on our emissions targets, see How We Are Doing.

Highlight Story
EQT helps found the Appalachian Methane Initiative

In January 2023, EQT partnered with other leading U.S. natural gas companies to launch the Appalachian Methane Initiative (AMI), a coalition committed to further enhance methane monitoring throughout the Appalachia Basin and facilitate additional methane emissions reductions in the region. AMI’s efforts are intended to promote greater efficiency in the identification and remedy of potential fugitive methane emissions from operations in the Appalachian Basin through coordinated satellite and aerial surveys on a geographic-basis, as opposed to an operator-specific basis, and taking into account advanced methane monitoring and reporting frameworks.

In March 2024, AMI announced the successful completion of its 2023 pilot methane emissions monitoring program. As part of the pilot program, AMI engaged Bridger Photonics and ChampionX for methane surveys, SLR International for strategic consulting, and the Energy Emissions Modeling and Data Lab — a consortium at University of Texas at Austin that also includes Colorado State University and the Colorado School of Mines — to lead the scientific analysis.

AMI conducted more than 1,700 surveys of gas facilities and 60 surveys of non-gas facilities across the Appalachian Basin in its inaugural year. By leveraging coordinated aerial surveys alongside onsite monitoring technology and advanced reporting frameworks, the pilot program monitored approximately 1,100 square miles of the Appalachian Basin, including gas production facilities, which represent approximately 5.8 billion cubic feet per day (bcf/d) of capacity in 2023. Based on these surveys, AMI determined that the largest single contributor to total emissions in the Appalachian Basin is associated with coal mine operations — either coal mine vents or direct emissions from the mine. Individual emitters from coal mine vents exhibited emissions over 5,000 kilograms per hour, orders of magnitude higher than the single highest observed emissions rate from any oil and gas sources.

In 2024, AMI intends to monitor more than 20,000 square miles of the Appalachian Basin, including gas production facilities, which represent 31.5 bcf/d of production capacity —roughly 90% of the daily production within the Appalachian Basin, a nearly sixfold increase in volume compared with 2023. Non-oil and gas sites surveyed, such as coal mines/vents and landfills, are also anticipated to increase in 2024.

New Ventures

As a part of our corporate Climate Change Strategy, we pursue new ventures that have the potential to accelerate the path to a lower-carbon future. We focus on the implementation of innovative technologies, best management practices, and aligned policies, which, over the past several years, has directly resulted in decreased GHG and methane emissions intensities. In 2023, we launched a partnership with Wheeling Park Commission, Teralytic, a soil analytics company, and Climate Smart Environmental Consulting, LLC, to implement forest management projects that span more than 1,000 acres of forest land at Oglebay and other Wheeling Park Commission properties. This partnership will supplement our ongoing emissions reduction efforts by reducing or removing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the atmosphere, which acts as a carbon offset to our operational emissions. We plan to utilize Teralytic’s soil probe technology to ensure the quantification of offsets we generate are accurate and transparent, in alignment with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service’s Conservation Practice Standards and Verra guidelines.

Through strong commercial relationships with landowners, resources like Teralytic’s soil probe technology have a high potential to support our carbon sequestration efforts and grow our Land-Based Carbon Credit Program, which we believe will be the ultimate step in enabling us to achieve our net-zero goal by 2025.

Natural Gas-Powered Pneumatic Device Replacement Program

We use pneumatic level switches and liquid level controllers[6] to set thresholds and to control motor valves that manage fluid in vessels such as separators, scrubbers, and filters. We operate thousands of pneumatic level switches and liquid level controllers across our operations that regulate gas and liquid separation volumes or activate shutdowns when high or low liquid levels occur. As of December 31, 2023, we do not operate any permanent or temporary high-bleed pneumatic controllers.

In 2022, we completed our Natural Gas-Powered Pneumatic Device Replacement Program, which replaced or retrofitted nearly 9,000 natural gas-powered pneumatic devices on all our production locations and compressor stations through a “fit-for-purpose” technology strategy. The completion of this project represents a substantial step forward toward our emissions goals, and was responsible for a 32% decrease in our 2023 GHG emissions.[7]

Replacement of natural gas-powered pneumatic devices represents a meaningful opportunity to reduce methane emissions within the oil and natural gas production industry. Based on our own research and replacement program, we believe most of the emissions from these devices are abatable at a relatively low cost. The total project cost of our replacement program was approximately $28 million, which equates to a carbon abatement cost of approximately $6 per ton.[8] 

Leak Detection and Repair Program

Our investment in LDAR surveys has been one of the most significant investments we have made to reduce emissions releases. Beyond compliance with robust state and federal requirements on air emissions, our LDAR program involves the following:

  • Use of optical gas imaging (OGI) technology at all compressor stations, dehydration facilities, and well sites to conduct LDAR surveys and mechanical integrity inspections of conventional wells to inspect leaks on a quarterly basis;
  • Operation of gas detection cameras by a certified team of 15 EQT employees who have completed a 3-day training course that consists of classroom and onsite experience with OGI experts;
  • Use of three types of OGI cameras, all verified by the manufacturer to meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) LDAR requirements under the EPA’s New Source Performance Standards for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry;
  • Annual auditory, visual, and olfactory inspections for each of our conventional wells;
  • Remote gas detection monitors inside the gas processing units of our unconventional wells that monitor for leaks in real time and automatically alert our gas control center to assign a specialist to conduct an inspection when necessary;
  • Use of fixed gas monitors in each separator housing, which identify leaks in real time and automatically alert our gas control center to assign a specialist for a follow-up inspection; and
  • Leak repairs conducted as soon as reasonably possible.

Our standard practice exceeds state and federal requirements related to leak repair procedures, and we routinely upgrade our management system to better track leak repairs at our sites. Additionally, we implemented an initiative beginning in the fourth quarter of 2022 to survey each of our sites using OGI cameras on a quarterly basis. This led to an over four times increase in the total number of OGI surveys we conducted during 2023 as compared to the prior year. In 2023, no repairs were delayed beyond the applicable regulatory limits and approximately 36% of all leaks detected in our production operations were immediately repaired. While we identified approximately 121% more components with leaks in 2023 than in 2022, this was directly attributable to the significant increase in the number of OGI surveys we conducted during the year, and in fact, the number of components with leaks in relation to the number of surveys conducted decreased year-over-year by nearly 50%.

Leak Detection and Repair Metrics[9]





Total OGI surveys




Total leaking components




Components repaired immediately (within 1 day)




Components repaired within 2 to 15 days




Components repaired after 15 days




Venting and Flaring Practices

Typically, venting and flaring may occur in two phases in the development of a well: 1) drilling and completions, and 2) production.

Our completions operations involve the process of preparing a well for production after the well is drilled. During the completions phase, fluids are injected into the well at high pressure — a process known as hydraulic fracturing — to create fissures in the underground shale formation. As the well is hydraulically fractured, “plugs” comprised of fiberglass and carbon fiber composite material are installed in the wellbore to segment the wellbore and maintain pressure. These plugs prevent the premature release of hydrocarbons from the well. After the hydraulic fracturing process is completed, the plugs are removed by circulating produced water in the wellbore. This water may contain small amounts of entrained gas[10] when extracted from the well. On average, completion activities release 500 thousand cubic feet of entrained gas per well. The volume of entrained gas is too small to be sold, and it cannot be stored because of the risk of explosion. Instead of venting the entrained gas, we use a closed loop system that separates the gas from the liquid and directs it to a flare where it is combusted.

Following the completions phase, a well can begin producing hydrocarbons. We conduct quarterly LDAR inspections at all our operated well sites. However, during the production phase of a well, our flaring and venting practices differ based on the amount of condensate and oil produced. Most of the wells we operate are dry gas wells,[11] which have significantly lower emissions compared to wet gas wells and require fewer emissions controls. EQT does not flare gas in connection with production from these wells.

To minimize flaring at our wet gas wells,[12] we use various methods of emissions minimization including closed-vent systems with low-pressure separators, vapor recovery systems, and vapor destruction units (VDUs). We use best management practices for the installation of pilot-operated valves and latch-down hatches on closed-vent systems, including the installation of low-pressure separators with vapor recovery systems during periods of high production. The valves, hatches, and additional separators have significantly improved sealing, reduced leaks, and allowed us to standardize the installation of latch-down hatches on all new installations. 

Well Unloading

As a natural gas well ages, “liquid loading” occurs where liquids — primarily water — accumulate in the wellbore. These liquids create backpressure that restricts or stops the gas flow. To restore productivity, multiple approaches can be used to unload the fluid from the wellbore; the simplest is to flow the well to a lower-pressure environment, such as an atmospheric tank. As part of our ongoing efforts to minimize emissions, we follow guidance from The Environmental Partnership to reduce methane emissions from well unloading.

If a well only produces through production casing, we install tubing to reduce flow area and allow the produced gas from the well to efficiently unload the fluid. We install well tubing on an accelerated schedule to limit the amount of venting that occurs from well unloading activities; this reduces the amount of methane emissions. We further minimize tank venting by using automated plunger lift equipment or foamer injection slipstreams in wells with tubing and, where this is not possible, we use a swab rig to mechanically remove fluids from a well to restore flow. In 2023, we began utilization of a zero emissions swab rig, which eliminated the venting of methane during swabbing. In 2022, we began the use of trailer-mounted compressors as an alternative to traditional swabbing and tank venting and in 2023 we added a third unit to our fleet. The trailer-mounted compressors allow gas production while unloading rather than ventilation to an atmospheric tank. For unconventional wells, we have personnel onsite while unloading wells. We follow the industry best practice of installing plunger lifts 1 to 3 years into a well’s life. Each of these methods helps to reduce our emissions associated with the removal of liquids from our wells.[13]

Dehydration Units

To reduce methane emissions during production operations when transferring rich and lean glycol, we use chemical exchange and electric-driven pumps rather than natural gas-powered pneumatic pumps on our dehydration systems. Unlike natural gas-powered pneumatic pumps, electric-driven pumps emit no methane from their operation. Chemical exchange pumps only emit gas embedded within the glycol and are not powered by natural gas pressure, which results in less methane emitted than would otherwise be produced by a comparable natural gas-powered pneumatic pump. Methane emissions from our chemical exchange pumps are sent to a VDU, where the methane is combusted.

Additionally, our standard protocol is to install condensers on new dehydration regenerator still columns to further minimize emissions. These units condense volatile liquid organics out of the gas and vapor streams and collect marketable natural gas liquids and minimize odors and emissions. The resulting emissions go to a VDU.


We operate in multiple states and rely on trucks and other fleet vehicles to transport workers and materials to job sites. Our vehicles drive millions of miles annually and we actively pursue efficient, cleaner-burning alternatives — such as compressed natural gas — for our vehicles. In addition to reduction of our fleet size and the transition of  most of our fracturing (frac) fleets from diesel to electric, we continue to use newer, fuel-efficient, and technology-enabled vehicles to reduce total vehicle miles and associated emissions. We continue to consider efficiency improvements to our fleet. Read more about our frac fleet transition in Air Quality and other transportation improvements in Water.

[1] Net-zero and GHG emissions intensity targets are based on assets owned by EQT on June 30, 2021 (i.e., when EQT announced its emissions targets), and thus, exclude emissions and production from the Alta Assets and Tug-XcL Assets. Methane emissions intensity target includes emissions and production from the Alta Assets and Tug-XcL Assets. Scope 1 emissions included in the net-zero and GHG emissions intensity targets are based exclusively on emissions reported to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (Subpart W) for the onshore petroleum and natural gas Production segment. Methane emissions intensity, and corresponding 2025 methane emissions intensity target, is calculated in accordance with the methodology maintained by ONE Future.

[2] Emissions reduction projections are based on anticipated abated emissions from EQT's historical assets, as well as the Alta Assets. While we replaced 100% of the natural gas-powered pneumatic devices utilized in our production operations as of December 31, 2022, we may from time to time reinstitute the use of natural gas-powered pneumatic devices in temporary situations, particularly in remote locations and while servicing or fixing non-natural gas-powered pneumatic devices used at our sites. The ultimate reduction of GHG and methane emissions from our pneumatic device replacement program will therefore fluctuate depending on the number and length of time of use of such temporary natural gas-powered pneumatic devices.

[3] 2018 and 2019 GHG emissions data does not include Scope 2 GHG emissions, as we began calculating our Scope 2 GHG emissions in 2020. All data excludes emissions from the Alta Assets and Tug-XcL Assets. Scope 1 emissions are calculated using the operational control method, as reported to the EPA under the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (Subpart W) for the onshore petroleum and natural gas Production segment. Scope 2 emissions are calculated using the location-based method.

[4] We calculate GHG emissions intensity based on Scope 1 GHG emitted (MT CO2e), as reported to the EPA under Subpart W for the Production segment, divided by gross annual production of hydrocarbons (Bcfe). While there is no standard formula for calculating emissions intensity, we believe gross production is the most accurate representation for calculating emissions intensity because gross production is a measure of the actual volume of hydrocarbons produced from the wells we operate. 2021 Basin intensities included as a benchmark in this chart were calculated internally by EQT based on data published in Benchmarking Methane and Other GHG Emissions of Oil & Natural Gas Production in the United States. Clean Air Task Force and Ceres (May 2023) https://assets.ceres.org/sites/default/files/reports/2023-05/OilandGas_BenchmarkingReport_2023.pdf.

[5] Our methane emissions intensities, and corresponding 2025 methane emissions intensity target, is calculated in accordance with the methodology maintained by ONE Future and includes company-wide emissions (including emissions from the Alta Assets and the Tug-XcL Assets). ONE Future finalized their methane intensity calculation protocols in 2018, and in each subsequent year ONE Future has evaluated the protocols for improvements.

[6] For more information on pneumatic devices, please see the “Natural Gas-Powered Pneumatic Device Replacement Program” in our 2022 ESG Report.

[7] Includes emissions from EQT's historical assets only (excludes emissions impacts from the Alta Assets and the Tug-XcL Assets). Percentage based on 2022 emissions from pneumatic devices compared to 2023.

[8] Calculated as follows: $28,000,000 / (305,614 MT CO2e pneumatic related emissions per year × 15 years) = ~$6 per metric ton of CO2e.

[9] Metrics only include OGI survey data.

[10] Entrained gas refers to gas present in the fluids of a wellbore circulatory system.

[11] Generally, the industry defines a “dry gas” well as a well that produces water, methane, and ethane, but no significant natural gas liquids, condensate, or oil.

[12] Generally, the industry defines a “wet gas” well as a well that consistently produces natural gas in addition to condensate or oil.

[13] Source: U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS), 2014, Oil and Natural Gas Sector Liquids Unloading Processes, April 2014 (https://www.ourenergypolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/epa-liquids-unloading.pdf).


GHG Emissions and Targets

Management of material topic
SASB EM-EP-110a.1
Gross global Scope 1 emissions, percentage methane, percentage covered under emissions-limiting regulations
SASB EM-EP-110a.2
Amount of gross global Scope 1 emissions from: (1) flared hydrocarbons, (2) other combustion, (3) process emissions, (4) other vented emissions, and (5) fugitive emissions
GHG emissions intensity
Reduction of GHG emissions
TCFD: Metrics and Targets – a, b, c
Disclose the metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities.
SASB EM-EP-110a.1
SASB EM-EP-110a.2
TCFD: Metrics and Targets – a, b, c

We monitor and report on operational GHG emissions as required by state and federal regulations. We gather operational data and report emissions annually per emissions inventory requirements in each state where we have operations. For sources subject to the EPA’s GHG Reporting Program, we submit reports to the EPA, which are validated electronically. We follow all GHG emissions-limiting regulations we are subject to and seek continuous improvement capabilities in areas that provide the greatest opportunity for GHG reductions. For more information on how we stay abreast of applicable regulations, please see Public Policy and Perception.

Our GHG emissions fall into three categories or “scopes:”

  • Scope 1 emissions: Direct GHG emissions from sources we own or control.
  • Scope 2 emissions: GHG emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, typically from a third-party entity (such as a utility), and consumed in connection with our operations.
  • Scope 3 emissions: All other indirect GHG emissions due to our activities, from sources not owned or controlled by us, such as the use of our sold products by individual consumers.

The GHG Protocol has additional information about how these scopes are defined. We explain how we calculate our Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in more detail below.

Scope 1 GHG Emissions

Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

We calculate and report our Scope 1 GHG emissions in accordance with Subpart W (Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems) of the EPA’s GHG Reporting Program. Pursuant to the EPA’s rules and regulations, emissions are reported according to defined “industry segments” as opposed to a single set of emissions at the operator level. The EPA’s reporting framework for petroleum and natural gas companies identifies five industry segments: Production, Gathering and Boosting, Processing, Transmission and Storage, and Distribution. Most of our operations (and our Scope 1 GHG emissions) fall within the Production segment. However, we also own certain midstream assets, and the emissions from such assets are disclosed as emissions from the Gathering and Boosting segment. We have no reportable emissions within Subpart W’s Processing, Transmission and Storage, or Distribution segments.[1]

Scope 1 GHG Emissions (MT CO2e)[2]
1 Million








































Production Segment
Gathering and Boosting Segment
2023 Scope 1 Emissions Sources (MT CO2e)[3] 

EQT Scope 1 Production Segment GHG Emissions

Combustion emissions[4]200,006
Process emissions[5]17,965
Other vented emissions[6]46,178
Fugitive emissions[7]3,073
Flared hydrocarbons[8]3,990
Completions & workover
venting emissions 3,556

Alta Scope 1 Production Segment GHG Emissions

Combustion emissions[4]23,419
Process emissions[5]10,472
Other vented emissions[6]2,791
Fugitive emissions[7]746
Flared hydrocarbons[8]128
Completions & workover
venting emissions187

Tug-XcL Scope 1 Production Segment GHG Emissions

Combustion emissions[4]90,735
Process emissions[5]1,260
Other vented emissions[6]2,221
Fugitive emissions[7]586
Flared hydrocarbons[8]4,192
Completions & workover
venting emissions1,145

EQT Scope 1 Gathering and Boosting Segment GHG Emissions

Combustion emissions[4]24,055
Process emissions[5]3,465
Other vented emissions[6]15,697
Fugitive emissions[7]2,719
Flared hydrocarbons[8]0

Alta Scope 1 Gathering and Boosting Segment GHG Emissions

Combustion emissions[4]83,953
Process emissions[5]4,580
Other vented emissions[6]1,647
Fugitive emissions[7]2,365
Flared hydrocarbons[8]0

Tug-XcL Scope 1 Gathering and Boosting Segment GHG Emissions

Combustion emissions[4]83,079
Process emissions[5]24,510
Other vented emissions[6]9,199
Fugitive emissions[7]327
Flared hydrocarbons[8]380

Scope 2 GHG Emissions

Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

We began to track and calculate our Scope 2 GHG emissions using the location-based method[9] in 2020. We use the EPA Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database’s state emission factors for our operating areas.

Scope 2 GHG Emissions (MT CO2e)








































Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions
Methane (CH4) emissions
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) emissions

Scope 3 GHG Emissions

Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

We began efforts to understand and track our Scope 3 GHG emissions in 2020 by calculating our indirect emissions within all 15 Scope 3 categories. Once calculated, we then conducted a materiality assessment to determine which of the categories were material to our stakeholders’ understanding of our Scope 3 emissions impact. The findings identified category 11, Use of Sold Products, as the primary source of our indirect emissions. As such, we report only category 11 Scope 3 emissions.

It is important to note that Scope 3 emissions estimates are subject to uncertainty, inconsistency, and duplication due to the reporting of assets outside the control of the reporting company and various reporting and calculation methodologies. In addition, two or more companies will account for the same emissions within their Scope 1, 2, or 3 emission inventories. As an exploration and production company, we have no direct control over how the natural gas and NGLs we produce and sell are ultimately consumed.

Scope 3 GHG Emissions (MT CO2e)[12]
125 Million
100 Million
75 Million
50 Million
25 Million








Use of Sold Products (Category 11)

GHG Emissions Targets

SASB EM-EP-110a.3
Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets
SASB EM-EP-110a.3

The “Evolve” aspect of our Climate Change Strategy focuses on realizing the full potential of our current asset base. The purpose of evolution is to differentiate us and our capabilities from those of our peers. In line with that focus, we have set short- and medium-term goals for our Production segment operations to keep us on track to achieve our goal of net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 Production segment GHG emissions by 2025.[13]

We intend to achieve these goals primarily through operational improvements. Through 2023, we continued to make noteworthy progress, including reducing our EQT Production segment Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions to 280,824 MT CO2e — a 35% reduction compared to 2022, and reducing our EQT Production segment Scope 1 GHG emissions intensity to 152 MT CO2e/Bcfe — beating our 2025 GHG emissions intensity target a full year ahead of our goal.

When we make capital allocation decisions for our emissions reduction initiatives, we prioritize projects that support actual emissions reductions versus emissions reported per EPA guidance. For example, internal research shows that actual annual emissions attributable to pneumatic devices during the first 2 years of a well’s productive life are roughly equal to the actual emissions for the remaining balance of the well’s life. Importantly, while these early-life pneumatic device emissions likely exceed the flat annual emissions attributed under EPA guidelines, which apply a single emissions factor regardless of the life of the well, we also found that EPA guidelines result in inflated emissions for the remainder of the well’s life.[14] As such, when we initiated our pneumatic device replacement program in 2022, we began by targeting all new development and all sites within their first 2 years of production. Ultimately, our goal is to reduce actual emissions — not “desktop” emissions.

To that end, we are actively developing plans to increase our usage of next-generation monitoring technologies across a broader portion of our asset base. While we already employ leading practices in detection, we are driven to constantly improve our ability to quickly find and address potential emissions incidents.

While we prioritize emissions reduction opportunities over generation of offsets and purchase of credits, offset generation comprises part of our plan to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 2025. Given the varying maturity of technologies that underpin offset generation opportunities, we are contemplating principally relying on more proven offset opportunities — such as land management and biological carbon sequestration initiatives — to help us achieve our net-zero goals. We plan to leverage our relationships with landowners to execute land-based carbon sequestration opportunities organically. See New Ventures for details on our recent carbon offset and sequestration initiatives.

[1] In connection with the closing of our acquisition of certain assets from XcL Midstream in August 2023, we acquired and began operating an oil and gas processing facility located in Glen Easton, West Virginia (the “Clearfork Processing Plant”). While there are certain GHG emissions associated with the operation of this facility, the emissions from the facility did not exceed the EPA’s minimum threshold for reporting Processing segment emissions. Accordingly, because we were not required, and did not report, any Processing segment Scope 1 emissions to the EPA, emissions from the Clearfork Processing Plant are not included in our Scope 1 GHG emissions inventory in this ESG Report.

[2] We are subject to the methodologies for reporting GHG emissions under Subpart W (Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems) of the EPA’s GHG Reporting Program. We calculate our Scope 1 GHG emissions using EPA calculation guidelines under 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 98. Notably, there are certain sources of emissions that are not reported to the EPA, either because the amount of emissions does not satisfy the minimum reporting threshold or because the EPA does not require emissions from the particular source to be reported. In 2022, we conducted peer and industry benchmarking analysis of ESG reporting trends and determined that the industry standard is to report Scope 1 emissions in alignment with the EPA’s Subpart W. Unless otherwise noted, the Scope 1 GHG emissions disclosed throughout our ESG Report include only our EPA Subpart W emissions, and thus, in some cases there may be additional sources of Scope 1 GHG emissions that are not reflected because they are not required to be reported to the EPA under Subpart W.

[3] Scope 1 emissions are converted to CO2e for comparability. The gasses included in this conversion are CO2, CH4, and N2O. Data provided in the table reflects emissions reported to the EPA under Subpart W. In 2023, we also had emissions from certain combustion sources that are not required to be reported to the EPA under Subpart W.

[4] Combustion emissions include emissions from our diesel and natural gas drill rigs, completion engines, stationary engines, and generators.

[5] Process emissions originate from our glycol and desiccant dehydrators.

[6] Other vented emissions include emissions from our storage tanks, reciprocating compressors, well liquid unloading operations, pneumatic controllers, and pneumatic pumps.

[7] Fugitive emissions include equipment leak surveys, and population count emissions.

[8] Flared hydrocarbons emissions include emissions from VDUs.

[9] Under the location-based method, Scope 2 emissions are calculated based on the average emissions intensity of the reporting company’s local power grid.

[10] Given the timing of closing our acquisition of certain assets from Chevron U.S.A. Inc. in the fourth quarter of 2020, our 2020 Scope 2 emissions do not include possible indirect emissions associated with such acquired assets.

[11] 2023 Scope 2 emissions for the Tug-XcL Assets include emissions from such assets from September 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023 (i.e., the time period when EQT began operating such assets after the closing of its acquisition of such assets in August 2023). Scope 2 emissions from the Tug-XcL Assets are higher than Scope 2 emissions from EQT’s historical assets and the Alta Assets due to significant electricity consumption at the natural gas processing plant included within the Tug-XcL Assets.

[12] We report our category 11 Scope 3 emissions by calculating combustion emissions from the natural gas and NGLs (including ethane) we produce and sell using emission factors obtained from the EPA. Our category 11 Scope 3 emissions are based on the natural gas and NGLs sales volumes reported in our Annual Report on Form 10-K, which we believe to be the industry standard approach based on benchmarking we conducted in 2022. For purposes of this calculation, we assume that all the natural gas and NGLs we sell are combusted. We assume that the limited volume of oil we produce and sell is processed, and thus, our oil sales are included in category 10 (Processing of Sold Products), rather than category 11. Additionally, please note that the 2023 sales volumes reported in our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K include volumes associated with the Tug-XcL Assets only from the closing of our acquisition of such assets (August 2023) through December 31, 2023, and thus, our category 11 Scope 3 emissions for 2023 reflect approximately four months of emissions associated with the Tug-XcL Assets.

[13] Net-zero and GHG emissions intensity targets are based on assets owned by EQT on June 30, 2021 (i.e., when EQT announced its emissions targets), and thus, exclude emissions and production from the Alta Assets and Tug-XcL Assets. Methane emissions intensity target includes emissions and production from the Alta Assets and Tug-XcL Assets. Scope 1 emissions included in the net-zero and GHG emissions intensity targets are based exclusively on emissions reported to the EPA under the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (Subpart W) for the onshore petroleum and natural gas Production segment. Methane emissions intensity, and corresponding 2025 methane emissions intensity target, is calculated in accordance with the methodology maintained by ONE Future.

[14] We presented these findings to the EPA in November 2020 in part to assist in their analysis on how to best tackle pneumatic device emissions.

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