Economic and
Societal Impact

Topic Highlights

We strive to positively impact our local communities and proactively engage with local communities to mitigate negative impacts. We work to be a good neighbor and corporate citizen by collaborating with, and giving back to, the communities where we live and operate.

In 2023, we:

  • Generated approximately $1.1 billion of gross domestic product (GDP) during 2023, and $606 million of indirect GDP through ancillary business activities.
  • Spent over $1.8 billion with 1,520 suppliers. Of our total supplier spend, approximately 45% fell within our operational footprint while the remaining 55% went to suppliers outside our operating area.
  • Supported approximately 16,700 ancillary jobs.
  • Paid $795 million in royalties to local landowners.
  • Invested over $56 million in local communities through philanthropic investments and infrastructure improvements.
  • Spent over $106 million, or nearly 8% of our non-public company supplier spend, with diverse suppliers, and awarded bids to diverse businesses in 120 supplier categories, up 6% from 2022.

Working with Communities

Management of material topic
Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities
Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs
SASB EM-EP-210b.1
Discussion of process to manage risks and opportunities associated with community rights and interests
SASB EM-EP-210b.1

Operating responsibly in our local communities is critical to being the operator of choice for all stakeholders. We provide significant benefits to the communities where we operate, including direct and indirect job creation, landowner royalties, road improvements, and financial contributions. We also recognize that our operations can affect these communities due to traffic and road congestion, dust, and noise pollution, as well as potential accidents from operations that can occur on or near our sites. As a result, we focus on the areas surrounding our direct operations and proactively engage with local communities to mitigate our impact.

Our efforts to positively affect our local communities focus on prevention of business risks, maximizing sustainable operational benefits to local economies, and support of local philanthropic efforts. We mitigate risk primarily through proper site assessments and active engagement with landowners and local communities for the duration of our operations. We strive to be a good neighbor and corporate citizen by collaborating with, and giving back to, the communities where we live and operate.

Our ability to operate depends on maintaining positive, proactive relationships with our landowners. We build mutual trust through transparency, proactive engagement, and appropriate responsiveness to community and landowner concerns — from site selection through every phase of operation. We are committed to proactively addressing community concerns and other risks associated with local operations, and we follow all applicable laws at the township, county, and state levels.

Our drilling and production operations have the most significant impact on our local communities. Drilling wells physically impacts the surrounding land while operating our wells introduces impacts to the environment, which are detailed in Environmental. Additionally, our operations have a significant economic impact on local communities via royalties paid, increased job opportunities, and dollars spent with local suppliers, to name a few examples.

Communities Where We Operate

Southwest Pennsylvania

Northeast Pennsylvania

Southeast Ohio

Northern West Virgina

  • Allegheny County
  • Armstrong County
  • Fayette County
  • Greene County
  • Washington County
  • Westmoreland County
  • Centre County
  • Clinton County
  • Bradford County
  • Lycoming County
  • Tioga County
  • Belmont County
  • Monroe County
  • Doddridge County
  • Harrison County
  • Marion County
  • Marshall County
  • Ritchie County
  • Taylor County
  • Tyler County
  • Wetzel County

Mitigating Local Impacts

The size of a site dictates the amount of time needed to prepare and build a well, but construction takes a minimum of 120 days before drilling operations can begin. Before construction, our Land department engages with landowners near a planned site to discuss its location. Our Local Government and Community Affairs Specialists establish and maintain relationships with civic organizations, elected officials, emergency response personnel, business owners, residents, and other local stakeholders. These specialists work to understand and address our stakeholders’ primary concerns. This team also obtains approval for construction following local ordinances through township hearing boards, which guide operational practices in the applicable community. We provide monthly updates to elected officials at the county, state, and township levels. Anyone who wishes to receive updates can register for our monthly newsletters.

Once a well is brought online and the gas flows, our Local Government and Community Affairs team remains in contact with the applicable municipality and civic organizations, and our Owner Relations team becomes the primary point of contact for impacted landowners.

Access roads to sites can be near, or shared with, community neighborhoods, which can temporarily generate heavy traffic and operations near local residences — a regular safety concern in our local communities. When we design construction routes to sites, we carefully consider the locations of schools, recreation areas, and the local population. We curtail traffic on roads traveled by school buses, prohibit truck travel during school bus pick-up and drop-off, and place custom signs along our active truck routes to communicate these restrictions to our drivers and contractors. These signs also alert the community to slow down and watch for children. To make roads safer, we also widen roads, ensure the road base is suitable for heavy loads, build turnouts, and issue flaggers to help control traffic when necessary. To further mitigate our impact on local communities, we routinely complete road upgrades prior to starting operations, including roads at, and leading to, a site and we conduct proactive noise assessments. These efforts have led to a decrease in road issues, traffic, noise, complaints, and community disturbance.

We also implemented a communications process to provide information about upcoming operations and a means of receiving periodic updates from neighbors within a certain radius of construction. During the active operation of a site, we provide monthly updates to local townships and counties. Our Local Government and Community Affairs team actively engages with communities as needed and in alignment with local policies. In 2023, we hosted four separate community town halls — three in Pennsylvania (Greene County, Washington County, and Lycoming County) and one in West Virginia (Marshall County). In addition to providing operational updates to landowners and a formal space for question-and-answer sessions, these town halls offered an overview of EQT’s Unleash U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) initiative and provided updates about EQT’s philanthropic engagements in the local community.

Addressing Complaints

Management of material topic
Process to remediate negative impacts

We respond to and track community complaints and concerns reported via our Owner Relations hotline. Community members can easily contact our Owner Relations team members about any concerns they have through a dedicated email address, phone number, and submission form on our external website. We use a data-driven approach to resolve issues by completing assessments related to the concern (e.g., noise assessment) and collecting relevant data to find the best resolution. In 2023, we received 28,391 inquiries, with most questions about royalties or other payments. We fully resolved 97.5% of the inquiries received by our Owner Relations team during 2023 in the same calendar year.

Annually, we analyze our response results to identify trends in performance, benchmark against previous data, and determine any required procedural changes.

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response

SASB EM-EP-540a.2
Description of management systems used to identify and mitigate catastrophic and tail-end risks
SASB EM-EP-540a.2

The safety of the communities where we operate, and that of our employee and contractor workforce, is a top priority for us. Our emergency management efforts focus on prevention, preparedness, and response. Our Crisis Management team, in conjunction with the Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) department, provides guidance and expertise in emergency response and crisis management. These functions also develop and maintain emergency notification procedures, training, and support.

Operating units develop site-specific emergency action and response plans to prepare for significant risks, and field teams lead daily tailgate safety meetings focused on hazard prevention and emergency preparedness before operations begin. Our Crisis Management team also conducts annual emergency scenario drills, and we contract with experts to provide immediate support in areas such as well control, firefighting, and spill response as needed.

To address and proactively respond to community safety concerns, we work closely with emergency response personnel, public works employees, elected officials, school districts, and other key community members to engage them in the process, provide information, learn from them, and build relationships. Most often, these conversations focus on the following:

  • Identification of the activity at a local job site;
  • The types of equipment used;
  • The most appropriate response for various scenarios; and
  • Our emergency or crisis response plan.

We work together with local first responders to provide training and site tours so that all parties have the knowledge needed to respond in the unlikely event of an emergency at our sites. First responders use our “Oil and Gas 101” handbook, which includes photos and descriptions for each phase of operations. We provide employee training on incident response and command structure approximately every six months. During on-location training, we conduct mock incidents for our employees and first responders to resolve. We also take part in the Southwest Pennsylvania Oil & Gas Emergency Management Alliance — a coalition of producers, supply companies, and first responders managed by Washington County Emergency Management Services and dedicated to promoting safety in the upstream industry.

Landowner Relations

Landowner Engagement

We believe face-to-face interactions with landowners build trust and open channels for future dialogue. We routinely host in-person town halls in our core operating areas, which provide our Landowner Relations team the opportunity to address landowner concerns directly. We set up stations throughout the events to provide space for on-the-spot consultation.

In addition to creating opportunities for face-to-face interactions, we send frequent correspondence to landowners designed to keep these critical stakeholders informed and help them understand what to expect throughout the lifecycle of our operations in their area. We also send targeted correspondence to select landowners to provide updates on relevant projects.

Tracking and Responding to Concerns

Process to remediate negative impacts
Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns

Landowners can contact EQT via our hotline number (844-378-5263) or our dedicated webpage. Both avenues provide landowners an opportunity to easily voice concerns and ask questions. We promote the use of the hotline during in-person and virtual meetings, through email correspondence, on company business cards, and on our corporate website.

Our Owner Relations team manages all landowner requests and questions received via our secure online portal, telephone, or email by creating trackable cases in our digital work environment. Our formalized call center allows us to report more specific response time data. For entries made through our online portal, landowners select from a list of potential issues to automatically generate a corresponding tagged case in our digital work environment. The most frequent inquiry types include general royalty payment inquiries, account address changes, ownership changes, and direct deposit setup. For landowners who choose to contact us by phone, the caller can opt to leave a voicemail if all Owner Relations team members are on calls. The caller’s voicemail is automatically transcribed into a case in our digital work environment, which enables our Owner Relations agents to proactively follow up on concerns. We have also refined the data we collect for these cases to establish internal accountability and confirm that cases are routed appropriately.

The Local Government and Community Affairs team works alongside the Owner Relations team to respond to local concerns and regularly respond to issues raised by locally elected officials. The most frequent issues raised to the Local Government and Community Affairs team include road repair, area operations, and general constituent concerns.

Upon notification, our Vice President, Land, reports any significant landowner concerns directly to our Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Directors receives relevant updates on landowner relations on a regular basis. Our management team also reviews aggregate information on the types and volumes of inquiries we receive from landowners on a weekly basis.

Our process results in stronger relationships with members of the communities where we operate and better tracking of landowner feedback. We continually work to better understand the types of feedback we receive and proactively address any significant issues identified through this process. We manage all landowner communications internally to promote more direct relationships. We measure our performance in management of landowner concerns based on how frequently we cycle cases compared to our acceptable open case count. We strive to resolve issues identified by a landowner within seven business days of the notification date.

Landowner Privacy

We must request certain personal information from landowners for legal and tax purposes. We strategically limit the number of employees who manage landowner data, and we work to protect landowner privacy by maintaining systems that manage incoming information and are designed to prevent breaches. All employees who oversee sensitive information are required to complete relevant training on properly safeguarding such information.

EQT is committed to our landowners, and we strive to operate with our values at the forefront of all that we do. For more information on Land Resources, visit our webpage.

Supporting Local Economies

Significant indirect economic impacts
Proportion of spending on local suppliers

Economic Impact

Our operations have a considerable influence on the local economies where we operate by supporting economic growth via job creation, tax revenue generation, and landowner royalty payments. Each year, we commission an independent analysis that tracks the indirect economic impacts of our business operations and examines how our operations contribute to the local and U.S. economies. A global sustainability consultancy firm conducted an economic impact analysis using our year-end 2023 data. According to the analysis, our direct activities produced approximately $1.1 billion of GDP in 2023, and the indirect GDP impact through our suppliers was $606 million. Our total induced impact — that is, the impact of spending by EQT employees, contractors, and suppliers — was approximately $1.3 billion.

Economic Impact on U.S. GDP (millions of dollars)[1]





















Further, our activities generated $425 million in state and local tax revenues in 2023, supporting state and local governments.

2023 State and Local Tax Payments (millions of dollars)[2]



West Virginia 


Rest of United States 


Property Taxes 






Income Tax 






Sales Tax 






Other Personal Tax 






Other Taxes and Production and Imports 


















Through our operations, we paid $795 million in royalty payments to our landowners in 2023.

Royalties Paid (millions of dollars)









West Virginia








All Other States








In addition, we track the indirect economic impacts of our business operations on the U.S. economy by annually commissioning an independent analysis. According to the analysis, EQT provided $3.1 billion in value-added contributions to the U.S. GDP where:

  • 70% of contributions occurred in three states where we operate
  • 30% of contributions related to out-of-state suppliers who provided goods and services for operational activities in our operating area 
Economic Impact on U.S. GDP by Geographic Location (millions of dollars)[4]

EQT GDP Contributions (millions of dollars)








West Virginia








Rest of the United States








Local Labor and Supplier Impacts

Our operations, which are entirely in the United States, support local economies via taxes paid, road infrastructure improvements, local hiring of personnel and suppliers, and the use and support of local service establishments. In 2023, we spent over $1.8 billion with 1,520 suppliers. Of our total supplier spend, approximately 45% fell within our operational footprint while the remaining 55% went to suppliers outside our operating area.

We sustain local jobs for employees, contractors, and suppliers to support our daily operational activities. In addition to our direct employees, we supported approximately 16,700 ancillary jobs through our operations in 2023. This includes direct contractors — who make up most of our visible workforce — suppliers and supply chain employees who support our production, gathering and transmission activities. Employment contributions also include the earnings spent by those employees, contractors, and suppliers — or the induced impact — which drives employment in sectors that provide various goods and services to the communities where EQT and our contractors and suppliers operate and live.

Estimated U.S. Labor Impacts (number of jobs)


















Induced Employment
Supplier Employment
Direct Contractors
EQT Employment

Supplier Diversity

EQT seeks out small and diverse local suppliers[5] whenever possible to deliver strong performance to our customers and communities through a sourcing approach supported by our Board of Directors and management team. Our team maintains dashboards in our digital work environment to track diverse service provider spend and identify targeted outreach opportunities. We integrate supplier diversity goals within our standard procurement practices to inform a wide-reaching, competitive, and data-driven approach to awarding business. We continue to expand our diverse supplier universe through targeting diverse suppliers in our bidding processes and setting goals for increased diverse supplier utilization.

Further, we encourage our top vendors to consider diverse subcontractors as it helps these businesses develop relevant experience and provides us with additional opportunities to work with diverse businesses that we may not otherwise have had the opportunity to engage. We conduct meetings with top vendors to provide supplier diversity education, outline reporting requirements for subcontracting with diverse suppliers, and identify specific products purchased by the top contractors to help align them with diverse firms that sell those products. We ask our top contractors to provide their monthly spend with diverse subcontractors and local suppliers and give greater consideration to vendors who identify how they will utilize diverse sub-vendors.

In 2023, we spent just over $106 million, or nearly 8% of our non-public company supplier spend, with diverse suppliers. We have awarded bids to diverse businesses in 120 supplier categories, up 6% from 2022.

[1] EQT’s economic impact is calculated using IMPLAN software. IMPLAN analyses are run using an underlying annual dataset that describes the state of the economy. Data for 2022 was not available in IMPLAN at the time when the analysis was conducted for 2022, thus 2021 IMPLAN data was used to calculate EQT’s economic impact for 2022.

[2] Calculated with IMPLAN software to estimate the total (direct and indirect) impact of EQT’s operations on state and local tax revenues. Amounts do not represent actual cash taxes paid by EQT.

[3] Royalties paid is based on the state of residence of the recipient of the royalty.

[4] EQT’s economic impact is calculated using IMPLAN software. IMPLAN analyses are run using an underlying annual dataset that describes the state of the economy. Data for 2022 was not available in IMPLAN at the time when the analysis was conducted for 2022, thus 2021 IMPLAN data was used to calculate EQT’s economic impact for 2022. Total may not equal sum of individual values due to rounding.

[5] We define diverse suppliers as business enterprises owned by historically underrepresented racial groups, women-owned business enterprises, and veteran-owned businesses.

Giving Back to Our Communities

Infrastructure investments and services supported

Our efforts to support the communities in which we operate include local giving, sponsorship, and philanthropic initiatives through EQT Corporation and the EQT Foundation, a separate 501(c)(3) organization. EQT Corporation and the EQT Foundation both make charitable contributions to organizations within the communities near our active operations.

Our Stakeholder Affairs team manages corporate donations to local communities, following a routine review and pre-approval process to understand each recipient organization’s initiatives and alignment with our values and corporate strategy. Our philanthropic investments support a variety of organizations that range from small, local nonprofits to municipalities that seek support for community projects that exceed their budgets. Other types of community engagement include sponsorships of county fairs, community festivals, in-kind donations, and other local events that enable our employees to engage with community members, enhance the quality of life for residents, and educate community members about our company and industry. The following are some examples of our 2023 corporate philanthropic efforts:

  • Approximately $180,000 spent on livestock purchases at county fairs and festivals across our operating footprint, re-donating the livestock purchased or donating the proceeds to the local 4H.
  • Committed $500,000 to Greene County, Pennsylvania for the Wisecarver Recreation Area project.
  • Partnered with the Waynesburg Lions Club to offer free Christmas trees to Greene County, Pennsylvania residents through the EQTrees program.

Nonprofit organizations that qualify may also apply for grants through the EQT Foundation, which the EQT Foundation’s Board of Directors review to ensure compliance with U.S. laws and regulations applicable to corporate foundations. EQT Foundation grants complement our corporate support to build relationships throughout our operational footprint. The EQT Foundation prioritizes funds within the following three categories:

  • Community Enrichment;
  • Education and Workforce; and 
  • Environment.

The EQT Foundation gave more than $4.2 million in 2023 to support local communities. Examples of grant recipients include the following:

  • 5 Loaves Food Pantry — Food insecurity assistance
  • Appalachian Outreach — Easing the burden of poverty in Marshall and Wetzel counties
  • Blueprints — Greene County Senior Central Kitchen
  • Camp Susque — Community pool project
  • Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh — Summer Reading Program
  • Child Hunger Outreach Partners — In-school pantry and backpack program
  • Community Foundation of Greene County — Greene County Fairgrounds improvements
  • Consortium for Public Education — Beth Center Community computer science and STEM initiative
  • Create Our Future — Bellaire High School CNC plasma cutter
  • Fayette County Community Action Agency — Food Bank Shop Thru
  • Flenniken Public Library — Special needs programing and equipment
  • Friends of Wetzel County — Back Home Festival
  • Intermediate Unit 1 Educational Foundation — Mobile Career Lab and innovation grants
  • Literacy Council of Southwestern PA — ESL Expansion, GED Vouchers, and Baby Book Bag Program
  • Mannington Food Pantry and Clothes Closet — Food insecurity assistance
  • Matt's Maker Space — Albert Gallatin School District learning space
  • Oglebay Foundation — Aquaponics/Hydroponics greenhouse
  • One Tree Planted — Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership
  • Program to Aid Citizen Enterprise (PACE) — Inclusive Voices
  • Southwest Training Services — Driving Our Future Workforce in Washington County
  • Pennsylvania State University Philanthropic Fund – Science U
  • This Is My Quest — Conservation management and education
  • Washington County Agricultural Fair — Washington County Fair 225th Anniversary Mural
  • West Virginia Association of Conservation Districts — West Virginia Envirothon
  • West Virginia University Foundation — Midstream Petroleum Engineering Program

Our corporate philanthropic investments and road and infrastructure improvements for communities totaled more than $56 million in 2023.

EQT Community Investments




Philanthropic Investments and Giving (EQT Corporation)




Roads and Infrastructure Investments (EQT Corporation)




Total Investments (EQT Corporation)




Total Grants and Contributions (EQT Foundation)




In 2023, we continued our partnership with Pledge 1%, an initiative to encourage employees to pledge 1% of their time each year — approximately 20 hours — to volunteer in their local communities. Employees can participate in company-provided volunteer opportunities or identify opportunities on their own. We achieved our 1% goal in 2023[1] as our employees volunteered 16,166 hours of their time.

Additionally, in 2023, we raised our employee donation match limit from $25,000 to $75,000 per employee.[2] On Giving Tuesday, we double matched all employee donations, resulting in a highly successful campaign with more than $865,000 in collective employee and EQT Foundation donations. 

[1] Each year, we set our 1% pledge goal based on our employee headcount as of January 1 of the applicable year. For 2023, our 1% pledge goal was 14,800 volunteer hours.

[2] The EQT Foundation will match, in cash, on a dollar-for-dollar basis (up to $75,000 in the aggregate per employee for the year), certain donations to qualifying Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations. All employees and directors of EQT Corporation and its subsidiaries are eligible. The minimum eligible donation is $100. 

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